Wednesday 4 June 2014

trik browsing yang belum tentu kita ketahuin

1. membuka tab yg sebelumnya kita tutup

Spoiler for 1:

how : Ctrl + shift + T

kalau di mac “Cmnd + Shift + T”
Works in Chrome and Firefox.

2. Image searching

Spoiler for 2:

how : tahan tombol S + klik kanan pada gambar untuk mencari gambar yg kita klik , >> cuma bisa di chrome,,,,
kalo di firefox jadinya malah set as desktop background

3. Image searching dengan menarik image

Spoiler for 3:

how : bisa juga tarik gambar ke search bar

4. [dot]com otomatis

Spoiler for 4:

how : ketik web yg agan mau,,trus ctrl + enter buat
tekan “shift” bakalan dan “shift/ctrl” nongol .org. Try it yourself! (Chrome/Firefox/Opera).

5. Membuka link new tab

Spoiler for 5:

how : tahan tombol ctrl pada link yg agan tuju + klik kiri

biasanya ane menekan mouse tengah yg scroll untuk membuka link new tab

Mac users, hold down “Apple Key/Command”.

6. Merubah Browser menjadi notepad

Spoiler for code:

how : copy code ini kedalam url


7. Merubah Browser menjadi notepad tapi night mode

Spoiler for nightmode:

how : copy code ini kedalam url

di firefox ane gak bisa...di chrome works

8. get outside the us

Spoiler for 8:

Non-Americans can visit to get the un-redirected homepage

Quote:9. Browsing pada mode incognito (private browsing)

Spoiler for 9:

how : ctrl + shift + N
nah yg ini buat yg suka browsing, tapi gak pengen history nya ke record, bisa mencoba cara ini
ane coba di chrome berhasil

-atau-(Mac users press “Command + Shift + N”). Also works in Opera.

-atau- Works in Firefox by pressing “Ctrl/Command + Shift + P”.

Quote:10. Menonaktifkan Autoplay youtube pada facebook

Spoiler for 10:

how : Go to, click “video” on the left tool bar, then select “Off”. Auto-play video be gone!

Quote:11. Mute email yg mengganggu pada gmail

Spoiler for 11:

how : On an email, click “More” and then “Mute” to make reply-allpocalypses history.

Quote:12. kalkulasi dengan bacon number

Spoiler for 12:

how : Just google their name + Bacon number. Challenge: Try and find someone with a Bacon number above “2”.

Quote:13. nah yg ini mesti di coba : Get Retro Google

Spoiler for 13:

how : coba ketik "google in 1998" nanti bakalan nongol google taun 98

Quote:14. Halaman Google jadi berputar (barrell roll)

Spoiler for 14:

how : ketik "do a barrel roll" pada google search

Quote:15. Maenin Game Retro di google images

Spoiler for 15:

how : Search for “Atari Breakout” in Google Images. Enjoy! (All browsers).

Quote:16. Maenin Game arcade di google
Spoiler for 16:

how : Google “zerg rush”, and try and stop the “o” invasion. A Zerg Rush is an overwhelming attack in a video game. More fun than it sounds. (Chrome/Firefox/Safari).

Quote:17. ngancurin web
Spoiler for 17:

how : Go to, click “destroy this site” at the bottom of the page, and blow the page to pieces, Space Invaders style! (All browsers).

Quote:18. Easter eggs tersembunyi dengan konami code
Spoiler for 18:


how : Go to, enter the Konami code, “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”, and wait for the rolling to begin. Turn your volume up.


how : Enter the Konami code, “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”, on or any Condé Nast UK site, and keep on tapping “A”.

how : Enter the Konami code, “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”, on BuzzFeed for delightful things. Such delightful things.

how : Enter the Konami code, “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”, on .......hehehe, becanda gan, masih belum bisa konami code di kaskus..mudah2an kedepannya bisa nambah fitur konami code

sumber : buzzfeed by Daniel Dalton